Online, Events, and Products
Reach your customers in every way.

Personnel or Full Service
Do you need a hand with the presentation of your background and/or yourself, our stylists will listen to what you want to portray and put you in the best setting to send your message.
Or do you need another set of hands to help pause and play, as well as style your space and self, plus provide unbiased eyes to let you know when that's a wrap, or you need another take.
Personnel or Full Service
Would an onsite host/MC/Coordinator give your event that professional touch as well as give you peace of mind that you don't have to handle everything?
Or would you like us to organize the whole event, from mailouts, to reminders, booking spaces and catering, decor, and hosting/MC on the day - we handle the details, you just need to show up!

Free Advertising. That's how we see promotional products. Sure, you make the initial purchase, but then your customers walk around with your promo products, getting in front of people you might have never been able to reach. Let's go step further and pick the most useful of items, ones your customers want AND are eco-friendly. Not possible? We disagree. Check out our list of competitively priced products here.
Just to add even more to it all - these items have a quick turnaround. Yesss.